domingo, 5 de abril de 2009


Travel our world at the 17th annual World of Nations Celebration, held April 30-May 3 at Metropolitan Park. A new adventure awaits you at every turn.

Venezuela Serenata y Folklore invita a todos los amantes de la Musica Venezolana y a nuestros amigos y seguidores a su presentación en el festival “World of Nations Celebration” los días Sabado 2 de Mayo de 2009 a las 11:00 am / 4:00pm y el Domingo 3 de Mayo a la 1:00 pm en el Metropolitan Park,

1410 Gator Bowl Blvd

Jacksonville, FL 32202



City of Jacksonville:

One-Day Ticket to the World: $5.00
Two-Day Pass: $7.00
International Party: FREE!
(Friday, May 1 from 5-9 p.m.)
Children Three & Under: FREE

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