viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2008

Coral Springs Public Library Sep 07 / 2008

Comenzando nuestras actividades como agrupacion, fuimos invitados al "Cultural Connections Event " en Coral Springs, organizado por Broward County Northwest Regional Library, para celebrar la variedad de culturas de la gente que asiste al Crossroads Café. En este evento interpretamos una selecccion de musica tradicional conformada por "Golpes Tocuyanos", "Joropos" y "Parrandas" finalizando con nuestro segundo Himno Nacional "ALMA LLANERA". Nos divertimos mucho, y el publico tambien mostro su cariño premiandonos con sus aplausos. Gracias a todos los asistentes.
Getting started with our activities as a group, we were invited to the "Cultural Connections Event" in the City of Coral Springs, sponsored by the Broward County Northwest Regional Library to celebrate the diversity of culture among the people attending to the Crossroads Cafe. In that event, we performed a selection of traditional music known as "Golpes Tocuyanos", "Joropos" and "Parrandas" ending our show with our second National Anthem "Alma Llanera". We enjoyed the aftenoom very well and the public rewarded us with their applause. Thanks to all.

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